Shifting Morality of America

flag and CrossAt yet another anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of America, we at the Stewardship Foundation reflect on our credos: freedom of religion, marriage between one man and one woman, sanctity of human life, and traditional family values based on Judeo-Christian beliefs. We are concerned about the shifting cultural attitudes and moral values of our citizens.

According to Gallup, 72% of Americans agree that the state of moral values in America is getting worse than better in this country, while there is a palpable shift to the left on specific moral issues like same sex marriage, euthanasia, abortion, and gender identification. Why the difference between values and issues?

When the Gallup pole asked Americans to talk about what was wrong with religious moral values, many responded this way:

  • We need to be considerate of others and their choices
  • We can’t allow deficits in public compassion
  • We must be respectful and tolerant of others
  • We can’t allow greed, selfishness, or dishonesty to rule the day

Our modern culture seems to look askance at biblical principles when there’s a chance that someone’s feelings might be hurt. And according to Gallup, these responses aren’t just from the 18- to 34-year-olds but to those 55 and over as well.

Our commitment to morally responsible investing is not to be confused with socially responsible investments (climate change, animal rights, etc.). In 2009, there was another “declaration” affirmed by notable religious leaders in New York City responding to a “call of Christian conscience”. This declaration affirms, without reservation, the dignity of life, that marriage between a man and a woman is the most basic institution in society, and because all men are made by God to be inherently free, religious liberty.

We patriotically embrace the original declaration of 1776, but we will never waver from the moral declaration of 2009 that shaped the roots of the Stewardship Foundation.